baby jude

i am so thankful for this family and for the ways they welcomed me into their home on a rainy morning to capture their new addition to the family. it is safe to say we are smitten with baby jude!


audrey {newborn}

i have never entered a home and seen more unconditional love than the moment I walked into this house. everywhere I looked, there was complete and utter joy. they are so smitten with their little love and I can't wait to watch her grow. <3

welcome to the world, audrey!



claire {baby}

I got the absolute pleasure of taking pictures of the most adorable baby with the biggest personality today. Take a look, she has a smile that's contagious already. 

jediah {newborn}

There is something so special about getting to capture a baby's first days at home. Where routine is starting to settle in, each moment becomes a first and life as a family begins. 
Welcome to the world, Jediah. You are so loved. 

marcrom {hospital}

I had so much fun going to the hospital to meet baby P and capture their first moments as a family of three.
He is one lucky boy to have such great parents.
Stay tuned for his newborn session coming later this week!

mcritchie {family}

this was one of my favorite sessions to date. some of my favorite people enjoying the chaos of life together. 
so much love. 
so much happiness. 

lundberg {newborn}

oh so much sweetness. 
little baby Noah David was so chill and so precious.
you cannot get a bad photo with this little guy.
I love capturing little ones in their first few days of life.

misha {baby}

I had the most wonderful opportunity to visit baby Misha and her parents in the hospital just the day after she was born. They let me snap away as we visited and I am so glad I did because I adore the photos I was able to capture. 
Misha is only lucky girl; she has the most amazing parents.
Enjoy <3